OKPRN is one of the premier primary care PBRNs in the United States. It was established in 1994, as a collaborative project of the Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians and the University of Oklahoma HSC Department of Family and Preventive Medicine in Oklahoma City. Initial funding was provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration.
The mission of OKPRN is to support primary care clinicians through a professional network for peer learning, sharing of resources for best practices and practice-based research.
2021 Joint OAFP-OKPRN Convocation
The most recent opportunity to meet and network with like-minded colleagues was our 2021 Joint OKPRN-OAFP Convocation which was held online, August 26-27, 2021. The Convocation was part of the Annual OAFP Scientific Assembly with dedicated OKPRN content in the areas of improving the primary care workforce in Oklahoma and providing technology-enhanced behavioral health screening services in primary care settings.

Healthy Hearts for Oklahoma (H2O): The Largest Primary Care Practice Improvement Initiative in Oklahoma History!
Introduced by the James Mold Oklahoma Primary Healthcare Improvement Cooperative (OPHIC) in 2015, H20 has recruited over 250 primary care practices to help them improve cardiovascular preventive care through an array of clinical resources, expertise, and technology that a large group of collaborators made available throughout the state. The $15M project is part of the vast, national EvidenceNOW initiative supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in 12 states. Click HERE to read more about the H2O Project.
Daniel Duffy, MD,
Lead Primary Investigator

Zsolt Nagykaldi, PhD
Primary Investigator
Disseminating Patient-Centerd Outcomes Research to Improve Healthcare Delivery (R18)
This project aims to implement, evaluate, and spread a sustainable, rural county-based preventive service delivery model in which wellness coordinators, working with primary care practices, county health departments, and hospitals, help patients obtain evidence-based preventive services. These entities are linked by County Health Improvement Organizations (CHIOs) and a regional health information exchange (HIE). The project is currently active in two Oklahoma counties, reaching tens of thousands of residents.

Contact Us
Questions or Comments?
(405) 271-3480
Crystal Turner, MPH
Network Coordinator
University of Oklahoma HSC
1000 N. Lincoln Ave #2110
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
EMAIL: admin@okprn.org