OKPRN Presentation Library
Quality & Practice Improvement / Practice Facilitation
Developing And Running a PF Program (AHRQ Manual)
Practice Facilitators: Background & Training
Practice Enhancement Assistants (PEAs)
Engaging Patients And Primary Care Practices
Goal Directed Healtcare - Enhancing Value
Quality Improvement Activities in OKPRN (2001-07)
Improving Office Practice: Working Smarter, Not Harder
Continuous Quality Improvement (c-QI) - The PDSA Cycle
Goal Directed Healthcare - A New Model of Care Delivery
DOQ-IT Project And Pay-For-Performance Initiatives
Management of Patient No-Shows In Residency Programs
Research That Improves Quality
Translation of Research Into Practice (TRIP)
Health Information Technology & Health Information Exchange
Impact of a Wellness Portal on Personalization of Preventive
Care Goal-Directed Care Through Health Risk Appraisal Technology
Health Information Exchange Savings in OK
Quality Improvement & Practice Re-Engineering Through HIT
OKPRN HIT Projects Update (2005)
Primary Care Research (PBRNs, QI Organizations, Partnerships)
Will the PCMH Solve Our Problems?
Practice-Based Research Networks - Method or Madness
Practice-Based Research For The Clinician
The research pipeline: a new NIH Roadmap
PBRNs: Where we have been and where we are going?
The Clinical Inquiry (Clin-IQ) Process
Current Research Summary (11/2005)