Stubbs C, Mattingly L, Crawford S, Wickersham EA, Brockhaus JL, McCarthy LH. In menopausal women who experience regular hot flashes, is treatment with either SSRI or SNRI effective at reducing the frequency and/or severity of vasomotor symptoms? J Okla State Med Assoc 2017; 110(5): 272-4. PAPER
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Kou Heu M, Welborn T, Nagykaldi Z. In adult patients on warfarin, does home self-testing of prothrombin time and/or international normalized ratio provide the same outcomes compared to testing by a home health nurse or in a clinical setting? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2016;109(2):91-92. PAPER
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Thaler NS, Hill BF, Duff K, Mold J, Scott JG. Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) intraindividual variability in older adults: associations with disease and mortality. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2015; 37(6): 622-629 PUBMED
Mold JW, Holtzclaw BJ. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Night Sweats in a Primary Care Population. Drugs - Real World Outcomes. 2015 Feb 7. PAPER
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Eyadiel C, Hamm RM, Scheid DC. In adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, are patients with poor control more likely to develop venous thromboembolism compared to patients with good control? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2014; 107(2):65-66. PUBMED
Thaler N, Scott J, Duff K, Mold JW, Adams R. Longitudinal stability of RBANS profiles in a geriatric community-dwelling sample. Clin Neuropsychol 2014; 28(2): 269-280. [NO LINK]
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Nicholas S. Thaler, Justin J. O’Rourke, James G. Scott, Kevin Duff, James Mold & Russell L. Adams. Longitudinal Stability of RBANS Profiles in a Geriatric Community-Dwelling Sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2014, p1-12. PUBMED
Nguyen J, Brown J, Mold JW, Welborn TL. In patients with concussions, is the probability of permanent neurological damage predicted better by total number of concussions than by severity and duration of individual concussions? J Okla State Med Assoc. 2013; 106(11): 431-2. PUBMED
O'Mahar KM, Duff K, Scott JG, LinckJF, Adams RL, Mold JW. Brief report: the temporal stability of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Effort Index in geriatric samples. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2012;27(1):114-118. PAPER
Duff K, Patton DE, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Intersubtest discrepancies on the RBANS: results from the OKLAHOMA Study. Applied Neuropsychology 2011;18(2):79-85. PAPER
Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Gender differences on the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status subtests in older adults: baseline and retest data. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology 2010; 33(4):448-455. PUBMED
Morgan DR, Linck J, Scott J, Adams R, Mold J. Assessment of the RBANS Visual and Verbal Indices in a sample of neurologically impaired elderly participants. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2010;24(8):1365-1378. Epub 2010 Oct 15. PUBMED
Paradiso S, Duff K, Vaidya JG, Hoth A, Mold JW. Cognitive and daily functioning in older adults with vegetative symptoms of depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2010; 25(6):569-577. PUBMED
Duff K, Mold JW, Gidron Y. Cognitive functioning predicts survival in the elderly. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2009;31(1):90-95. PUBMED
Duff K, LangbehnDR, Schoenberg MR, Moser DJ, Baade LE, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Normative data on and psychometric properties of Verbal and Visual Indexes of the RBANS in older adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2009;23(1):39-50. Epub 2008 Mar 12. PUBMED
Duff K, Humphreys Clark JD, O'Bryant SE, Mold JW, SchifferRB, SutkerPB. Utility of the RBANS in detecting cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer's disease: sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive powers. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2008;23(5):603-612. Epub 2008 Jul 17. PUBMED
Schoenberg MR, Duff K, BeglingerLJ, Moser DJ, Bayless JD, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Retention rates on RBANS memory subtests in the elderly. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 2008; 21(1):26-33. PUBMED
Duff K, Schoenberg MR, BeglingerLJ, Moser DJ, Bayless JD, Culp KR, Carnahan R, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Premorbid intellect and current RBANS performance: discrepancy scores in three geriatric samples. Applied Neuropsychology 2008; 15(4):241-249. PUBMED
Duff K, Mold JW, Roberts MM. Walking speed and global cognition: results from the OKLAHOMA Study. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 2008;15(1):31-39. PUBMED
Duff K, LeberWR, Patton DE, Schoenberg MR, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Modified scoring criteria for the RBANS figures. Applied Neuropsychology 2007; 14(2):73-83. PUBMED
Duff K, Mold JW, Roberts MM, McKay SL. Medical burden and cognition in older patients in primary care: selective deficits in attention. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2007; 22(5):569-575. PUBMED
Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Patton DE, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Predicting Cognitive Change Across3 Years in Community Dwelling Elders. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2007;20(1-11). PUBMED
Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold JW, Scott JG, Adams RL. Normative and retest data on the RBANS Cortical/Subcortical Index in older adults. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2007;29(8):854-859. PUBMED
Duff K, LangbehnDR, Schoenberg, MR, Moser DJ, Baade LE, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Examining the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status: factor analytic studies in an elderly sample. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2006; 14(11): 976-979. PUBMED
Patton DE, Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. RBANS index discrepancies: base rates for older adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2006; 21(2):151-160. PUBMED
Duff K, BeglingerLJ, Schoenberg MR, Patton DE, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Test-retest stability and practice effects of the RBANS in a community dwelling elderly sample. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2005;27(5):565-575. PUBMED
Patton DE, Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Base rates of longitudinal RBANS discrepancies at one- and two-year intervals in community-dwelling older adults. The Clinical Neuropsycholgist 2005; 19(1):27-44. PUBMED
Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Patton D, Paulsen JS, Bayless JD, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Regression-based formulas for predicting change in RBANS subtests with older adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2005;20(3):281-290. PUBMED
Gontkovsky ST, Beatty WW, Mold JW. Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status in a normal, geriatric sample. Clinical Gerontologist 2004; 27(3):79-86. [NO LINK]
Beatty WW, Mold JW, Gontkovsky ST. RBANS performance: influences of sex and education. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2003;25(8):1065-1069. PUBMED
Duff K, Patton D, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Age- and education-corrected independent normative data for the RBANS in a community dwelling elderly sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2003;17(3):351-366. PUBMED
Patton DE, Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. Performance of cognitively normal African Americans on the RBANS in community dwelling older adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2003;17(4):515-530. PUBMED
Beatty WW, Ryder KA, Gontkovsky ST, Scott JG, McSwan KL, Bharucha KJ. Analyzing the subcortical dementia syndrome of Parkinson’s disease using the RBANS. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2003;18(5):509-520. PUBMED
Gontkovsky ST, Mold JW, Beatty WW. Age and educational influences on RBANS index scores in a nondemented geriatric sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2002; 16(3):258-263. PUBMED
Soetaert D, Heinrichs R, Baade LE, Duff K, Schoenberg MR, Mold J, Scott JG, Adams RL. RBANS Index Scores in Geriatric Inpatients.Poster (D15) presented to the 27th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Scottsdale, AZ, November, 2007. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2007; 22(7): 886-887. [NO LINK]